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Format : 2 CD
Edition : 600 copies
Release date : 30 June 2008
Cat# : LH05

Disc 1 (58:07):

First two tracks are from the 1982 LP 'Mectpyo Bakterium' released by DYS Records, USA. Third track is from '40 Days/ 40 Nights' compilation on Stratosphere Music, Japan. Fourth track is from 'International Friendship' compilation on Syncord, Germany.

Track list :

- Fetish Pinksha (24:56) [mp3]
- Stérile Règles (24:24)
- Placenta (4:50) [mp3]
- Untitled (3:37)

Disc 2: (55:26)

Zyclombie is the bonus track of the limited Lp (edition of 100) "Leibstandarte SS MB 2" released unofficially in the 90s in Japan.Tracks 2 and 3 are taken from the ultra rare and ultra limited (edition of 50)
acetate 7" "Genocide of the Menses" released unofficially in the 90s by twothousandmaniacs in Italy (?).
Last four tracks are highlights from the limited (edition of 150) 2Lp compilation "M.B. Anthology 1981 - 1984" released unofficially in the 90s in Japan.

Track list :

- Zyclombie
- Genocide O.T.M. 1
- Genocide O.T.M. 2
- Neuro Habitat
- Habitat Neuro [mp3]
- Humus Necleaire
- Neuro Habitat

Limited numbered edition of 600 copies haused in a beautiful tri-fold 10" sleeve with full reproduction of the original 1982 lp cover. Included in this re-issue is a bonus disc with 55 minutes of ultra rare material officially published for the first time here !

Mectypo Bakterium is a work furnished of implacable plastic exasperation. The icy oppression, the hallucinatory electronic wounds, are a precious and singular fact in a technological society brought to the limit. The emotion is pushed into dangerous zones, and unusual tensions free biological groans of extreme effectiveness. A vivid expression of a world in extinction.

Euro 13.90 (+ shipping)


Review from

As one of the early pioneers in the industrial and noise fields, Bianchi never quite attained the same status as Whitehouse, Throbbing Gristle, or SPK. This might be because of his relatively short career: beginning as Sacher-Pelz in 1979 and continuing on under his own name until 1984, his time on the scene was brief, but prolific. This reissue of one of his classic albums is augmented both with bonus tracks and a second disc of obscure/bootlegged tracks that showcase one of the bleakest, most desolate musicians of his time.
The two side-long tracks that make up the bulk of the original LP have an overall consistent sound of dank , low register synthetic pulses occasionally overrun by static-y, stuttering outbursts. “Fetish Pinksha” moves along at a snail’s pace, the outbursts never taking hold over the otherwise slow, filmic sound. “Sterile Regles” incorporates a shifting, lugubrious, low-tech drum machine pattern with pieces of tremolo heavy feedback resembling a proto-industrial funeral march. Synth elements that now characterize the dark ambient genre, along with squealing bits of feedback, give the sound an overall more frightening quality.
The two bonus tracks on this disc stem from compilation appearances around the same time span. “Placenta” has a more open, ambient science-fiction sound rather than the dark, gray ambience of the rest of the disc, while “Untitled” opens with the thumping, filtered, white noise that would soon become synonymous with the power electronics genre. It should be noted that the contents of this disc (including the mastering) are essentially identical to the release EEs’T put out some ten years ago.
The second disc, originally a Japanese bootleg titled Genocide of the Menses, collects previously rare bootleg tracks onto a single disc. “Zyclombie” is another track of deep pulsing synths and sci-fi type oscillator sounds that originally appeared on the Japanese bootleg LP, Leibstandarte SS MB 2. It sounds surprisingly good given its raw sources. The two-part title track originally appeared as a limited-to-50-copies acetate 7” and is more in line with the Mectpyo Bakterium album: dour minor synth chords and static heavy noise elements that never overpower, but serve as a nice counterpoint to the depressive sounds. The second part’s dive-bomb synths and overdriven low frequency elements are an obvious precursor to the likes of today’s Genocide Organ and Anenzephalia and other such folks.
The final four tracks originally surfaced on the bootleg M. B. Anthology 1981-1984 and show more of the variation of styles Bianchi employed throughout his career. “Neuro Habitat” is twelve minutes of what sounds like a silent film score organ augmented with a slow, primitive drum machine pulse. “Humus Nucleaire” features the same sort of rhythm track, but the synths have a lighter, more airy feeling to them, even though it doesn’t last. The raw electronics and beat boxes sound like a more lo-fi, slightly darker take on early Cabaret Voltaire.
While many of his peers relished the anger and violence that could be created using the early electronic instruments, Bianchi was content to paint a bleak canvas of gray sounds that are more depressing than malicious. Never moping or self-loathing, it is instead a dark, cold style that, after some 26 years, has obviously influenced a multitude of modern artists working at the extremes of sonic art.

Creaig Dunton

Review from

It's curious to see how often things get re-issued: the more mythical the status of the musician, the more re-issues, or so it seems. And Maurizio Bianchi is surely one hell of a mythical musician. 'Mectpyo Bakterium' was already released in 1982 as a LP on the DYS label and it was part of the first major re-issue campaign 'ArcheoMB' in 1998, when two 5CD box sets were released. Now it becomes available again, and it's hard to think for whom, since I guess many have this already? But since Bianchi re-launched his career, it might of course very well possible that he won over some new fans all along the watchtower and then I haven't said a word. The original LP is a great one of not too piercing electronics, slow rhythm and distorted sounds: cold music, a soundtrack for the post nuclear world. Especially in the two long (LP only) tracks it shows Bianchi at his best - not the perfect composed, but rather loosely played/improvised pieces of industrial music. Here on CD joined by the two bonus tracks that were also part of ArcheoMB CD set. Perhaps the more interesting item in this package however is the second CD, which contains seven tracks that were all issued on extremely limited pieces of vinyl in the 90s without Bianchi's permission. Two of them were on a 7", one is from Japanese LP version of Leibstandarte SS MB (not on the original Come Organisation version) and four more from a LP called 'Anthology 1981-1984', with pieces culled from previous compilation LPs and cassettes. Of course the real die-hard has those, but the less fanatical collect-all miss out (like me), so it's good to see them on CD. Here too, MB uses a similar approach to composing his music, but there seems to be a more extended use of scratchy vinyl and tapes that keep running at the wrong speed, which I always assumed was a separate interest for MB in the early days - synthesizer and delay based on one hand and tape/vinyl manipulations on the other. This double CD shows both sides and are all very fine examples of the unique sound world of MB. If you are new to his music, this is a good place to start, and if you know the man's vast output, then especially the second CD is a good addition for some very rare pieces.


From Rockerilla issue 338 October / November 2008

Maurizio Bianchi - Mectpyo Bakterium / Genocide O.T.M.

Deliziosa re-issue in 600 esemplari numerati di una della prove giovanili più ipnotiche e vibranti di Maurizio Bianchi: "Mectpyo Bakterium". I curatori della Menstrual Recordings ne hanno realizzato una nuova edizione ampliata su CD, rispettando anche nel taglio grafico lo spirito pioneristico dell'impresa, con gli art-works originali riprodotti a regola d'arte in formato tri-fold 10". Inoltre l'accattivante package in questione ha la prerogativa di allegare un sostanzioso bonus disc di materiale raro licenziato negli anni '90 per il mercato giapponese. Ma cos'è "Mectpyo Bakterium"? Le note di copetina recitano: 'E' un lavoro fornito d'implacabile esasperazione plastica. [...] L'emozione è spinta in zone pericolose, e le tensioni inusuali liberano gemiti biologici d'estrema efficacia. Dietro a questa elaborazione penetrante, la figura dell'autore e del de-compositore emerge quale unico sopravvisuto di un mondo in via d'estinzione'. Come dire cavalcare il sistema accelerandone il processo di caduta libera in atto. Una sfida 'batterionlogica' cha sa di nichilismo attivo in potenza, di sintesi transmusicale che annoda oscure radici di verità mentre vengono dipanate allo specchio dell'evento sonoro di cui è formidabile vettore. Mai come qui il gesto creativo delll'artista è foriero di visioni promonitrici tanto estreme, calate nella koiné/metafora della manipolazione elettropropulsiva che procede per ispirazione oltre le logiche della razionalità oggettiva. Il disordine organico della materia non-materia sui crinali della ricerca pura.

Aldo Chimenti

From Blow Up issue 125- October 2008

Maurizio Bianchi - Mectpyo Bakterium / Genocide O.T.M.

Vote 8/10

Rimandando prioritariamente a quanto detto sul BU#33, ci ricolleghiamo al BU#121 in relazione alla ristampa di "Regel". In "Mectpyo Bakterium", ci sono molti punti di contatti con il suddetto lavoro uscito appena qualche mese prima, sviluppando con maggior insistenza quelle derivazioni cosmiche che erano state fonte ispirativa passata poi sotto il fiogo industrial da Bianchi. Non un semplice vezzo privo di significato il fatto che questo quinto album sia l'unico dei dieci vinili di Maurizio sino all'84 - per la cronaca fu quello con la tiratura più alta, 500 copie - che è accreditato a suo nome e non alla sigla M.B., quasi a sottolinearne la peculiarità più intima e personale, quasi una sospensione dalla chirurgica crudeltà con cui dino ad allora aveva rappresentato la catastrofe senza, appparente, partecipazione, con Fetish Pinksha, quasi voluttuosamente aerea, e Sterile Regles, più mordace con testardo rincorrersi di suoni riverberati, che equamente occupano una facciata a testa e si scostano dalle urgenze rumoriste presenti massicciamente nei capitoli precendenti a "Regel". L'edizione odierna della Menstrualrecordings, in copertina formato 10", aggiunge, come ristampa Alga Marghen, i due contributi alle compilazioni "40 Days/40 Nights" e "International Friendship", ma soprattutto un altro CD in cui vengono assemblate tracce di M.B. del primo periodo pubblicati su ultralimitati bootleg nell'arco dei '90, Zyclombie, collocata come bonus track su una ristampa giapponese del secondo disco come Leibstandarte SS MB, per consuetudine chiamato "Weltanschauung", i due pezzi di Genocide Of The Menses, un acetato 7" in 50 copie, e i quattro pezzi presenti su una doppia antologia sempre illegalmente confezionata in Sol Levante, materiale comunque di fattura pregiata la cui originale provenienza da cassette, dubbi anche i titoli, non può avere certa collocazione ma che è di sicuro interesse per i più irriducibili collezionisti di M.B. .

Paolo Bertoni

From Rumore issue 201 - October 2008

Maurizio Bianchi - Mectpyo Bakterium / Genocide O.T.M.

Per l'inedita vena "meditativa" e la maturita' dei cupi soundscape ottenuti da economici synth e drummachine, Mectpyo Backterium rappresenta un titolo di svolta e uno dei picchi assoluti nella produzione anni Ottanta di M.B. La pregevole gatefold cover pulllulante di astratti grafismi batterici della statunitense Aeon/DYS viene conservata in versione 10", da questa ristampa su due cd, che abbina alle due suite proto-dark ambient del vinile originale un paio di curiosi bonus da compilation "cult" dell'epoca, 40 days/40 nights e International Friendship. A ormai storica testimonienza della via italiana al suono industriale, si aggiunge poi un secondo disco con estratti, editi per la prima volta in forma ufficiale, da alcuni bootleg apparsi nei Novanta, quando M.B. uscì dalla scena facendo perdere le sue tracce. Zyclombie, da un vinile ultralimitato della Come Organisation, rimanda al crudo rumorismo dei primissimi lavori, mentre i due lati del 7" Genocide O.T.M. e le successive tracce da una doppia Anthology nipponica esplorano maodalita' ambient e lamente plunderfonici da "home recording" amatoriale. Sempre però nella cifra austera e senza compromessi che ha reso così unico e ricercato il lavoro di Bianchi.

Vittore Baroni